Friday, March 2, 2007

Prince of Persia coming to PS3 and 360

From Official Xbox Magazine:
After the Prince saved his Kingdom from the ravages of the Sands of Time across last generation’s Prince of Persia trilogy, many thought that the character and the action adventure series had finally been to rest, with Assassins Creed inheriting the mantle of Ubisoft’s platformer of choice for the new generation of consoles.

But Ubisoft has decided two pairs of legs are better than one and has announced development of a all-new Prince of Persia title for the Xbox 360; and while details are extremely thin on the ground artwork that has been released to coincide with the announcement indicates that this is a fresh approach to the series, building the mythology of the Prince and his battle with the Sands of Time from the ground up.

While the gestation between Sands of Time, The Warrior Within and Two Thrones saw the tone of the trilogy darken as the Prince was stripped of everything he loved and had to constantly cheat death (in the form of the Sands of Time guardian Dahaka), this new iteration will re-focus on the roots of the series, with bright vivid landscapes and a Prince that’s more about footwork than sword work.

The previous Prince touted the Dagger of Time, which allowed him to draw time-reversing sand from his enemies; this iteration is wielding a rather groovy armoured gauntlet, which is rumoured to be customisable throughout the game for different weapon configurations.

Though this article only mentions it being on 360, Computer and Video Games reports it's also on the PS3.

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