SSX Blur Interview and screens
GN Wii: First of all, how much of SSX Blur is remixed from older games?
Eric: SSX Blur is a new game, but we took a lot of inspiration from the best tracks from a few of the titles in the series. You will see your favorites return - characters like Mac & Elise, and tracks like Happiness - but with a completely new control system and some new additions. All of the tracks and hubs were built using the already existing SSX3 and SSX On Tour tracks, but they were heavily modified and adjusted for Wii gameplay. The "Wii-a-fied" presentation with new textures and overhauled lighting will make it difficult for users to recognise some of the courses. Favourites like Happiness, Kick Doubt, and Snow Jam are back from SSX3, and Wild Tree Fun, Between the Sheets and Compilation return from Hot Dam.

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