Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Gaming-Age Reviews: Sonic and the Secret Rings

Sonic and the Secret Rings is an encouraging sign that good Sonic games can still be made. I had a tremendous time exploring the different stages and the skill points add a bit of depth to an otherwise straightforward game. Some of the missions can be extremely difficult at times and I became frustrated with a few of them. Luckily previous missions can be replayed to gain more experience and level up Sonic with new attributes that often help to pass some of the more difficult areas. For the most part, controlling Sonic with the Wii Remote works great. There were a few times when the game didn’t recognize my gesture to use the homing attack and several times I accidentally pulled back on the controller, causing Sonic to stop and walk backward, but these were few and far between. If the story was told better (or ditched altogether), the music closer to the Sega CD Sonic, and the missions a little less maddening, the game would have received an even higher rating. As it stands, Sonic and the Secret Rings is a game I would recommend to anyone with a Wii. It’s good to have the blue blur back!
Score: B+

Full Review

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